Sunday School 10:45 am
Join Mike Cather as the class explores 1 Peter.
How do we persevere in the face of suffering? For first-century Christians who were persecuted by their neighbors, staying focused on their “living hope” was hard to do. The Apostle Peter wanted to remind these hard-pressed Christians of their rich identity in Christ and encourage them to respond to their sufferings as Christ did. Peter doesn’t deliver abstract teaching but applies it to their daily lives. His words will connect with your own life, too, as you dive into his heartfelt letter.
Join the class with Karen Cather as Beth and Melissa Moore lead you on a 6-week excursion to Galatia to learn more about the community that inspired Paul's impassioned letter! Faced with the challenge of remaining true to the gospel of Jesus Christ instead of submitting to the yoke of slavery again, they needed to hear this message then---as we do today.